Take time out for the good of yourself or your team.
Our retreats are deep dives to lift up your selfdiscovery & selfmastery into your presence. In our tailormade retreats you go for a strong body, mind and soul, you deepen your leadership and apply it in your daily life. To get to and keep your true power you need to retreat and recharge at regular intervals. It’s the way to stay close to who you truly are, to each other, your purpose and to nature.
We all want to exude happiness, stimulate freedom and feel strong and connected. In our retreats you get out of your daily life and recharge to return to it much stronger, wiser, healthier and more relaxed.
You rediscover your sweet spot and strengthen your leadership, the connection to your soulful core, as an individual, a couple or a group, and leave fully inspired.
When you come to relax and rest in your very own nature everything is possible. Reach this level of impression and you get access to your intelligence and a jawdropping natural power where life is abundant and regenerates itself. Express this healthy leadership, relaxation and connection again.
Can you tap into your true nature and express it in your work and life?
A 4-day retreat with Wolves & Warriors in Malaga, Spain guiding both the women and men to get stronger together.
October 2022
A 2-day retreat with Wolves & Warriors in the Ardens, Belgium guiding a team of international sales directors to step into their next level of leadership and collaboration.
March 2023
A 4-day retreat with Wolves & Warriors in Malaga, Spain guiding women entrepreneurs who look for a meaningful rich life, both at home and at work.
October 2023
A 2-day retreat in the forests in Belgium for aspiring individuals who want to live their brightest potential and unlock the power of their true presence.
In a combination of coachings and exercises we get the flow back into your body, mind and soul. Depending on your needs, we work with reflective exercises on yourself and/or each other, depending on the retreat’s focus also on your business and/or family, via seminars, embodiment exercises, breathing exercises, exercises in nature, group or individual exercises. We make sure your selfdiscovery & selfmastery fuel your vision and your dreams. You learn to listen ever deeper to yourself and check where your beliefs ignite or hinder your leadership. You transform your patterns of tension that got stuck in your head and habits, back into life-affirming energy. Energy that regenerates and affirms you, the true you, and move forward from there. Feel healthy, peaceful, joyful, strong, trusting and supported.
Are you interested to create a premium tailromade retreat to experience a real difference for you and your colleagues in your presence?
Yes, let’s talk!
Or are you more interested in a private retreat for you and your friends?
Then check out here what your private retreat programme can look like.
We organise our retreats at beautiful places that indulge your senses. We choose the destination together depending on your preference to retreat close to the sea or into the woods, somewhere where natural beauty inspires and strengthens you.
Our retreats are in person, but may take a hybrid form with parts of it online.
Reflect. Act.
Realigning your body, mind and soul
Group or individual coaching and training are a fast track into your selfdiscovery & selfmastery. For centuries guides have been sharing their wisdom and expertise to help you stay true to your life’s path and find your own leadership. You will have to do the walking, and I point you out where you are misaligned to your path, help you to see how that happened and how you can get back on it and thrive radiantly.
With my many years of experience, both theoretically and applied to my own life and that of many others, I know the ins and outs and open the way for you. You chose whether to act upon your leadership, how many doors you want to open, construct anew and adventure in. We work on the personality and soul level so you can live from your true leadership and move in a natural way in life. This can be challenging as at times in the past we have moved away from ourselves through conditioning or challenges. However, through acceptance of all that you are, both the ego protective layers and your core, when you let your soul resurface it is just so incredible. What you build from there is a pure gift for yourself, and also to the betterment of the world.
In our coachings and trainings we can work both on a private and a professional level since these worlds are intricably intertwined. Using both access points gives you faster traction and stronger results in both places. I work with different models and experiental learning, as you have to embody the teachings for them to last and provide true actionable change in your life and selfleadership.
Impress. Express.
Moving your body, mind and soul
Also through your body and movement you can free yourself from an imbalanced inner outer lifestyle that is holding you back, open to a new regenerating one that is attuned to who you truly are, and strengthen one that is in favour of your body, mind, soul and nature connection.
Your body and movement are fantastic media for impression and expression of yourself, your selfleadership and the state of your relationships. You read your bodily signals, your personal movement-, armoring- and freedompatterns, what your mind and body have created. You learn to move your body with awareness, with love and aligned to nature. All this so you can embody your soul and steer your life, health and ambition the way you want it to.
Depeding on your needs, in the Body & Movement sessions you may work on your body awareness, stability, abundance, power, surrender or expression. Somestimes soft, sometimes strong, connecting and empowering your body, mind and soul, your leadership.
Meditate. Experience. Feel.
Regenerate & reprogram your body, mind and soul
You can use meditation as a solution or prevention as a solution to the stresses of daily life, but there is more. Most meditation techniques are created to go to these peaceful states, but don’t do anything with them to consciously make changes. When you use meditation states and intention together, you can make core shifts. That is the gift of meditation. It uses intention as a tool for you to determine the course of your life. And allows you to change your automatic and conditioned programs and perceptions into resting in your being, as the wholeness that you are.
Sleep based meditation is a powerful technique that allows you to revitalize and restructure your entire life. It provides a systematic scientifically proven method that teaches you to consciously move into the deeper realms of your being. In these deep states, you can remove physical fatigue, emotional imbalances and mental tensions, however old they are. You can find freedom from psychosomatic ailments, sleep issues, and any other consequences of our tension-ridden world of separation. Science showed that a single session resulted in a 65 percent increase in dopamine release only, bringing you closer to a connected and fulfilling life lived in contentment.
Insight meditation is another technique we use in which you focus on being aware of what you're thinking, feeling and sensing, without interpretation or judgment. It is about becoming aware of your inner movements. Do the same meditation another day, and you may receive more or different insights deepening your knowledge about yourself and as such enhancing your development.
It are simple yet profound techniques that can be practiced by everyone, kids and grownups, men and women. Sleep based meds use body, breath and awareness techniques. Insight meditation uses your awareness. And as it goes with everything, the more you practice, the better you’ll master the art. Practice to be at the deepest level of your being and relaxation, and nature begins to work for you.
Do you further want to uncover your presence and leadership, then get on a call for my guidance.